NBA2K24 Reveals New Badge System
NBA2K24 Reveals New Badge System
NBA2K is going all-out in new features this year and they’ve been doing it in many different areas of the game, this time in MyPLAYER.
The all-new badge system allows players to focus on their strengths and dominate the skills and positions they love the most.
This will be only for Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 users. There are three key details that make the badge system almost brand new.
Detail #1
Across MyTEAM and MyCAREER, users will now have access to 77 total badges with 24 badges being added to the game. The reason for the number 24 is to honor the late Kobe Bryant.
New badges will be for Scoring, Ball-Handling/Passing, and Defense. Players will now have enhanced flexibility and balance in their build.
Detail #2
It has been discovered that NBA2K24 will be adding customizable NBA Player Templates along with a new attribute builder page, archetype improvements, and additional badge tier rankings.
This brings a whole new element of customization and imagination for users to experiment and have fun with.
Detail #3
The badge-level progression ideology and system have changed dramatically. Instead of players picking their badges at the beginning of their build; 2K will now have players receive badges based on their style of play.
In short, Badges are earned by badge usage, meaning the more a player uses a badge in-game, the more they’ll progress toward to the next level in which they qualify.
List of badges
- Float Game – A player’s ability to make floaters and runners while attacking the basket is improved with Float Game.
- Scooper – Quick scoop layup shot chances are improved with the new Scooper badge.
- Bunny – Hop step layups and dunks receive an increased shot chance with Bunny.
- Spin Cycle – Drives finished with a spin layup or dunk will receive an increased shot chance ability thanks to Spin Cycle.
- Two Step – Cradle and Euro step layups and dunks receive a shot boost with Two Step.
- Precision Dunker – Those who utilize the skill dunk mechanic will receive an improved chance of flushing their dunk attempt with Precision Dunker.
- Hook Specialist – No love lost for post-play aficionados. Brought back from the dead, Hook Specialist increases a player’s ability to make hook shots out of the post.
- Post-Fade Phenom – Similar to Hook Specialist, Post-Fade Phenom will allow a player to make post-fades and hop shots out of the post at a higher clip.
- Open Looks – As a way to encourage sudden opportunities, Open Looks will enhance a player’s ability to make wide-open jumpers.
- Spot Finder – By utilizing the “Get Open” mechanic, Spot Finder allows players to receive a speed boost off-the-ball to get to an open space, with a raised chance of knocking down the shot off the ensuing catch.
- Whistle – Creating contact and getting to the free throw line when attacking the rim or shooting a jump shot is improved with the new Whistle badge.
- Free Points – In clutch moments, knocking down free throws with the game on the line is improved with Free Points.
- Bulldozer – Bulldozer improves the player’s ability to push through physical body-ups and finish with physicality around the rim.
- Relay Passer – A hockey assist badge, Relay Passer provides a boost to shooters in a pass-to-assist situation.
- Touch Passer – Players who quickly move the ball upon receiving it will get faster pass animations with Touch Passer.
- Big Driver – Face-up bigs driving to the basket from within the mid-range area will receive an initial launch boost with Big Driver.
- Blow-By – Quicker ball-handlers receive boosts in body-up interactions with defenders when Blow-By is equipped.
- Physical Handles – During physical body-up interactions, players with Physical Handles have a higher chance of winning the outcome following a dribble move.
- Speed Booster – A perimeter-only quick first step badge, Speed Booster will allow for quicker launches when coming from a stand-still dribble situation.
- Triple Strike – Players excel with triple threat launches and jukes at a higher rate with Triple Strike.
- Fast Feet – It wouldn’t be a fair game if only offensive players received speed boosts. Fast Feet can be looked at as a “quick first step” badge for defenders, allowing defensive specialists to stay in front of shifty ball-handlers.
- Right Stick Ripper – Those who utilize the right-stick steal mechanic will receive a boost on steal attempts with Right Stick Ripper.
- Immovable Enforcer – A direct counter to Bulldozer, Immovable Enforcer allows defenders to win physical matchups when it comes to body-ups and contact layups.
- 94 Feet – Players with 94 Feet receive fewer body-up stamina hits and improved body-up wins when pressing full court. Don’t worry, those who do not have this badge will regret pressing full court.
Badges removed:
- Limitless Takeoff
- Bully
- Clamp Breaker
- Menace
- Mismatch Expert
- Quick First Step
- Vice Grip
- Amped
- Clutch Shooter
- Floor General
- Volume Shooter
Badge Perks:
What are Badge Perks?
These perks are prizes that provide various benefits to the progression of individual badges. These pages consist of “slots” that the user can fill in when unlocked. A player gets four slots per perk; also, each slot represents a different badge tier.
Here are the Badge Perks:
- Overdrive – Increases badge level progression in games.
- Immunity – Slows down badge level regression in games.
- Drill Savant – Increases badge level progression in Team Practice Facility.
- Scholar – A risk/reward perk that gives a significant increase in badge level progression for PvP games finished with a high Teammate Grade. However, it comes with risk: you will receive no progression for the badge if you do not finish with a high Teammate Grade. This is a rotational season prize.
- Winner’s Circle – A risk/reward perk that gives an added boost in badge level progression for PvP games that result in a win for the user. However, you will receive zero progression for the badge if you lose the game. This is a rotational season prize.
- High-Risk – A risk/reward perk increases your badge level progression for PvP games with badge usage but accelerated regression with lack of usage. This is a rotational season prize.
What are Performance Multipliers?
Performance Multipliers are prizes that provide benefits to all of the players equipped badges at once. There are four versions of these multipliers. They can be found in The REC, Pro-Am, NBA, and City. There will be a total of 12 multipliers.
Different types of multipliers:
- Grade A Student – In games finished with a high Teammate Grade, badge level progression is accelerated for all equipped badges.
- Winner Takes All – In games finished with a win, badge level progression is accelerated for all-equipped badges.
- Up for the Challenge – In games played against tough opponents, badge-level progression is accelerated for all-equipped badges.
What are Floor Setters?
“Floor setters are powerful prizes that are earned via Season XP, and they’re included with the free Base Pass each Season. There are 18 Floor Setter slots in total, nine for Silver and nine for Gold. Adding a Floor Setter to a badge will prevent the badge from ever dropping below the listed badge level. If your badge has not progressed to the level of the Floor Setter you want to apply to it, it will auto-progress to that level (of course, you need to have fulfilled the attribute requirements for the level). They are permanent and cannot be changed. If your player can progress beyond the listed Floor Setter badge level, they will not be prevented from doing so.” –
NBA2K24 is here and they are making huge changes to the way players make their builds. These new features will be heavily played on opening day.
Fans can pre-order the game to have it available on September 9th. The lowest is the standard version at $70 dollars and the highest is the 25th Anniversary Edition at $125 dollars.